Slow Nomaden – Journey


Slow Nomaden releases debut album „Journey“ on 15.03.2019.

 On his first full length Album „Journey“ Slow Nomaden takes us on a deep and diverse trip to his world of organic electronic music. The 13 tracks represent different chapters on his fictive journey that draws inspiration from different cultures and music genres. Downtempo, Electronica and Deep House mixed with exotic sounds and instruments, following the path of a multicultural fusion without borders.

„Welcome To The Journey“ serves as an Intro to more than an hour of music to listen, dream and dance to, while escaping your stressful everyday life.

Tropical sounds and beautiful melodies guide your way to the energizing offbeat vibe of “La Niña“.

“Tranquilo“ continues with the slow beats and the tropical flavours but adds some trippy pads and arpeggios. 

„Palmas“ is characterized by flamenco sounds and rythms combined with electronic elements, slow 4/4 beats and a heavy bassline.

Tabla grooves and Sitar melodies fuse with cool downtempo grooves on „Space Sitar“.

„Sun“ sounds like an oriental trip into the desert, where the sun can be a blessing or a curse. Expect an electronic downtempo vibe driven by a deep percussion groove, 4/4 beats and an infectious Oud riff.

The mystical atmosphere of „Mountain Spirits“ with its drone sounds and oriental deep house beats is intensified through its melancholic duduk melodies and piano chords. 

„Hang Loose“ combines instruments and sounds from the Bosporus with a deep and pumping electronic beat to build a bridge between sounds from Asia and Europe.

„Shadows” is a deep Afro House track that is driven by a massive bass line and a Darbuka groove. Mysterious synth pads and arpeggios remind us on the shadow side of the journey.

On “Magic Carpet” Slow Nomaden delivers an epic 7 minute Electronica track inspired by the fairy tales of One Thousand and One Nights. Carried by a warm percussion groove, phasing pads and deep 4/4 beats the track fuses oriental vibes with organic electronic sounds to create a dreamy melodic trip.

After some more upbeat tracks “Moon” slows it down again with a deep meditative groove.

“Seed“ lets us imagine warm organic sounds, that sprout out of the ground like different leaves, to build a new musical organism.

On the last chapter of the journey “Illusion”, Slow Nomaden creates a melancholic downtempo track that includes some unexpected breaks, which reflect those illusions we are all facing from time to time in life. Expect organic grooves, electronic string sounds, slow 4/4 beats, piano chords and an other-worldly voice.


Slow Nomaden veröffentlicht Debütalbum „Journey“ am 15. März 2019

Auf seinem Debütalbum „Journey“ nimmt uns Slow Nomaden mit auf eine fiktive Reise in seine Welt der organisch elektronischen Musik. Die 13 Stücke sind von verschiedenen Kulturen und Musikgenres inspiriert und mischen gekonnt Downtempo, Electronica und Deep House mit exotischen Klängen und Rhythmen. „Journey” verbindet musikalische Einflüsse aller Kontinente zu einem multikulturellen Mix ohne Grenzen. Ein Album, das Gefühle, Erinnerungen und Träume hervorruft und uns hilft dem stressigen Alltag für einen Moment zu entfliehen. 

„Welcome To The Journey“ ist das Intro zu einer guten Stunde Musik, die zum Hören, Träumen und Tanzen einlädt. 

Bei „La Niña“ treffen tropische Sounds und wundersame Melodien auf einen energiegeladenen Offbeat Vibe.

„Tranquilo“ mischt tropische Flötenmelodien, trippige Pads und Arpeggios mit einem fetten Downtempo Beat.

Der Titel „Palmas“ kombiniert Flamenco Melodien und Rhythmen mit elektronischen Elementen, einer langsamen 4/4 Kick und einer treibenden Bassline.

Bei „Space Sitar“ verschmelzen Tabla Grooves und Sitar Klänge mit coolen downtempo Vibes. 

„Sun“ klingt wie ein Trip in die Wüste, wo die Sonne entweder Fluch oder Segen sein kann. Electronica mit orientalischen Einflüssen, geprägt durch langsame Percussion Grooves, deepe Synthesizer-Teppiche und ein einprägsames Oud Riff.

Die fantastisch anmutende Atmosphäre von „Mountain Spirits“ mit seinen Dronensounds und orientalischen Deep House Beats lebt vor allem von den melancholischen Duduk Melodien und tragenden Klavierakkorden. 

„Hang Loose“ verbindet Instrumente und Klänge vom Bosporus mit elektronischen Beats und schlägt so eine Brücke zwischen Sounds aus Asien und Europa.

„Shadows” ist ein düsteres Afro House Stück, welches angetrieben wird von einer mächtigen Bassline und einem treibenden Darbuka Groove. Synthesizer Pads und Arpeggios erzeugen eine mysteriöse Spannung und erinnern uns an die Schattenseiten der Reise.

Mit „Magic Carpet” schafft Slow Nomaden ein episches sieben minütiges Electronica Stück, welches inspiriert wurde durch Tausendundeine Nacht. Wabbernde Synth-Pads, orientalische Melodien und ein tragender Percussion Groove nehmen den Hörer mit auf eine magische Reise.

Nach mehreren etwas schnelleren Stücken drosselt Slow Nomaden auf „Moon” die Geschwindigkeit wieder ein bisschen. Der Track lebt vor allem von seinem meditativen und mystischen Charakter, welcher durch Dub Elemente, langsame Percussion Grooves und atmosphärische Synthesizer Klänge unterstrichen wird.

Bei „Seed”sprießen verschiedene elektronische Klänge wie einzelne Blätter einer Pflanze aus dem Boden und bilden, getragen vom Rhythmus, einen faszinierenden, musikalischen Organismus. 

Im letzten Kapitel der Reise „Illusion” kreiert Slow Nomaden ein melancholisches Downtempo Stück, welches sich durch seine unerwarteten Breaks abhebt. Sie stehen für die Illusionen, denen wir uns alle manchmal im Leben gegenüber sehen. Organische Grooves treffen auf elektronische Streicher, langsame 4/4 Beats, Klavier Akkorde und eine Stimme wie von einer anderen Welt.

Sound Nomaden – Madame

Vinyl LP Out Now

We’re very happy to announce that finally the Vinyl Version of the Sound Nomaden album Madame is in stores now! The 8 tracks on the LP are the first 8 tracks of the CD and digital album. The Vinyl also includes a digital downloadcode for all 11 album tracks. There are not many Electro Swing releases available on Vinyl, so we’re very happy to be one of the few labels who released a Vinyl LP in this genre. If you want to get your hands on one of the 500 pieces, head over to and get one!

Sound Nomaden – Madame

Debut Album Out Now

With his long awaited debut album “Madame” Sound Nomaden proves that his musical repertoire has far more to be revealed than just Electro Swing. He is a real traveller in the world of sound always searching for a new definition of music. The eleven tracks on the album combine influences of Swing, Jazz, Folk, Ska and even Classical Music with an up tempo club vibe and give us a new insight in the versatile work behind one of the leading DJ’s and producers of the Electro Swing Phenomenon.

Beside MSP his partner in crime, well known through his expressive live saxophone performances, Sound Nomaden worked together with numerous guest musicians including Anja Kreysing, Das.Schliep, Cab Canavaral and Martin Knott. As the consequence the album defines a new generation of electronic music where powerful synthesizer and heavy club beats fuse with acoustic instruments like accordion, piano, trumpet, violin, tuba, guitar, saxophone and clarinet.

“Snowflake”, the pre-released first single of the album is a deep and jazzy House track with a catchy saxophone solo, warm synth sounds and electronic beats. With its emotional fusion of genres that suits every club set as well as a chill out mix for a launch or a listener at home, “Snowflake” already gained more than 70.000 plays on soundcloud.

With a similar smooth atmosphere the second album track “Little Bird” is definitely a feel good song and a potential next summer festival anthem. When the voices of tropical birds melt into groovy percussions, melodic piano chords and stunning synth pads, MSP’s Saxophone solo does the rest to leave you with a smile on your face.

The title song “Madame” tells a fictional story about the first vis-à-vis with a breathtaking woman in a bar back in the 20’s. Swinging piano lines, walking bass and emotional Saxophone parts guarantee to give you goose bumps on this one.

As well as “Für E-Lise” that is characterized by Beethoven’s well-known piano melody over a pushing offbeat, “The Trumpet” and “Akkordeon Hipsters” come along as energetic dance floor fillers that will leave no hip unmoved.

While “Zirkus” with its happy clarinet and xylophone melodies sounds like the perfect musical background for a circus rave, “Sad Swing” with its brass and organ lines represents a more laidback view on Electro Swing.

“Tear Of Joy” another track featuring MSP on saxophone with its distinctive robot vocal over a melodic piano line, turns out to be a retro dance track made for the 21st century. “Minimal Klezmer” sounds like a deep after hour club track spiced up with some smooth clarinet and guitar parts while the final song “Singing Pirates” features the great accordion player Anja Kreysing. If you’ve never believed it’s possible to transform a waltz into a house track, this track will prove the opposite.

Madame sounds different than the majority in the electronic music world because it is an ambitious attempt to fuse acoustic music and club music, to bring more diversity onto the too often repetitive musical landscape.

Sound Nomaden – Warm Lights

EP Out Now

With his first EP on Nu Bohème Recordings, Sound Nomaden releases four melodic deep, clubby and eclectic tracks that give us a new insight in the versatile work behind one of the leading DJ’s and producers of the Electro Swing Phenomenon.

Sound Nomaden creates patchworks of synthesizer arpeggios, jazzy piano lines, sampled child instruments and toys, blues harp, strings, transformed vocals and deep club beats that blend into an atmospheric musical work.

The four tracks all combine a highly emotional and melodic approach with an uptempo club vibe.

With the title track „Warm Lights“ Sound Nomaden composed a dreamy soundscape of glassy bells, beautiful strings and reverse piano chords over a relaxed club beat. We’re sure you’ll feel the warm sunlight touch your skin.

„Voices“ combines a catchy, yet slightly surrealistic vocal melody with an analog synth vibe and a powerful bassline while „You And Me“ with its grooving beat and jazzy flavour evolves into a hidden love song.

Last but not least „The Love Blues“ comes along with a funky vocal over a clubby beat and of course a dusty blues harp line.

Enjoy and stay in touch, as Sound Nomaden has his debut album in the pipeline to be released in early summer 2014.

Sound Nomaden – Snowflake

Single Out Now!

With his first single on Nu Bohème Recordings, Sound Nomaden releases his long awaited debut and proves that his musical repertoire has far more to be revealed than just Electro Swing.

Snowflake, the first single from the upcoming Sound Nomaden debut album is a deep and clubby House track, combining smooth Jazz samples with warm synth sounds and electronic beats. It is an emotional fusion of genres that make Snowflake suit every club set as well as a chillout mix for a launch or a listener at home. With it’s catchy saxophone solo the album mix joined by MSP is definitely a feel good song that will make you smile.

This is what Sound Nomaden said about the creation of the track:

„I was sitting in my studio and watched the snowflakes falling down in front of my window. It was a beautiful picture and so I tried to capture this warm and dreamy feeling into a new song.“

Enjoy and stay in touch, as Sound Nomaden has a four track EP and his debut album in the pipeline that will be out in early summer 2014.